We are available to our customers to provide the best care and service in spectrophotometers. For FEMTO, each client must be treated with the utmost care:
“Once a client commented: I need to buy equipment and want it very robust. I have five proposed sales of five suppliers. Reading the catalogs, all of them seem to be the same. Talking with vendors of each company, all defend its products also. How to know?
I recommended the client to visit each company, know in detail the product, the team involved, their values and their culture. I said that after the visits he would not even have the impression of two same proposed sales”
Fill out the form below send your question or suggestion. Consider also a call from a seller and, above all, make a visit to FEMTO and see the difference. Obs.: all fields must be filled.
Phones: + 55 (11) 5581-4713 | 5589-6964 | 5072-8237 | 5587-5166
Fax: + 55 (11) 5584-0379
FEMTO Indústria e Comércio de Instrumentos
R. Jaguarí, 12 - Bosque da Saúde - São Paulo, SP - Brasil - Phone: 55 11 5589.6964 / 5581.4713 / 2577.1466 / 5587.5166 Voltar para o topo